Monday 11 March 2013

Global growth is burning out and fading away

Commentary: Economic gains are limited, but investors don’t know it yet

By Satyajit Das

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SYDNEY (MarketWatch) — Driven by massive monetary stimulus from the world’s central banks, the performance of global financial markets, especially stocks, have decoupled from the reality of a moribund world economy.
Financiers assume that the strong rise in equity markets anticipates a strong economic recovery. However, there are fundamental reasons why the world may be entering a period of low- or no growth. If that is the case, then the current optimism of financial markets may prove premature.

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In historical terms, economic growth is a relatively recent phenomenon. In a deliberately provocative 2012 National Bureau of Economic Research paper entitled “Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts The Six Headwinds,” economist Robert Gordon found that prior to 1750 there was little or no economic growth (as measured by increases in gross domestic product per capita).
It took approximately five centuries (from 1300 to 1800) for the standard of living to double in terms of income per capita. Between 1800 and 1900, it doubled again. The 20th Century saw rapid improvements in living standards, which increased by between five or six times. Living standards doubled between 1929 and 1957 (28 years) and again between 1957 and 1988 (31 years). Read: Why China fears currency wars.
Satyajit Das.
Other measures show similar trends. Between 1500 and 1820, economic production increased by less than 2% per century. Between 1820 and 1900, economic production roughly doubled. Between 1901 and 2000, economic production increased by a factor of around four times.
Gordon controversially questions whether economic growth is a continuous process that can persist forever. He argues that both growth and improvements in living standards will slow significantly. For pure shock value, he speculates that future yearly growth rates may be 0.2%, far below even the modest 1.8% annualized growth between 1987 and 2007. Read: Moment of truth for Mario Draghi.
Low or no growth in fact may have positive effects, for example on the environment or conservation of scarce resources. Still, the current economic, political and social system is predicated on endless economic expansion and related improvements in living standards.

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Over the last 30 years, a significant proportion of economic growth and the wealth created relied on borrowed money and speculation. Since 2001, borrowing against the rising value of houses contributed to around half the recorded economic growth in the U.S.
Global trade is built on a financial model. Sellers of goods and services, such as China, Japan and Germany, indirectly finance purchases by lending foreign exchange reserves to countries including the U.S. and the now deeply troubled “Club Med” economies of Southern Europe.
Debt allows society to borrow from the future. It accelerates consumption, as debt is used to purchase something today against the promise of paying back the money later. Spending that would have taken place normally over years is squeezed into a relatively short period because of the availability of cheap money. Business overinvests, misreading demand and assuming the exaggerated growth will continue indefinitely, increasing real asset prices and building significant over-capacity.
Debt-driven consumption became the tool of generating economic growth. But this process requires ever-increasing levels of debt. By 2008, $4 to $5 of debt was required to create $1 of growth. China now needs $6 to $8 of credit to generate $1 of growth, an increase from around $1 to $2 a decade ago.
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The ability to maintain high rates of economic growth through additional debt is now questionable. The need for governments as well the private sector to reduce debt simultaneously reduces demand and locks the world into a negative spiral of ever lower growth.

Extend and pretend

Growth was also based on policies that led to the unsustainable degradation of the environment. It was based upon the uneconomic, profligate use of mispriced non-renewable natural resources, such as oil and water.
There are striking similarities between the problems of the financial system, irreversible environmental damage and shortages of vital resources like oil, food and water. In each area, society pushed problems into the future. Short-term profits were pursued at the expense of risks that were not evident immediately and emerged later.
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Another common theme in the parallel crises in finance, environment and management of scarce resources is mis-pricing. In the period leading up to the global financial crisis, risk, especially the ability of individuals and firms to repay borrowings, was underpriced. The true cost of polluting the environment or consuming certain resources has also been discounted.
In all cases, there was significant privatization of gains, while losses were socialized. Financiers entered into increasingly destructive transactions, extracting large fees and leaving taxpayers to cover the cost of economic damage.
In the early 20th century, German economist E.F. Schumacher observed that human beings had begun living off capital: “Mankind has existed for many thousands of years and has always lived off income. Only in the last hundred years has man forcibly broken into nature’s larder and is now emptying it out at breathtaking speed which increase from year to year.” That observation is now just as true about the economic and financial system as it is about the environment.
In his novel “Rabbit is Rich,” John Updike’s hero Harry Angstrom passed judgement on the postwar generation: “Seems funny to say it, but I’m glad I lived when I did. These kids coming up, they’ll be living on table scraps. We had the meal.”

Losing the commanding heights

The current crisis calls into question the ability of governments to maintain control of the most important and strategic elements of the economy.
Government intervention can cushion some of the costs of the crisis but cannot solve the fundamental problems. It is not self-evident that growth can be conjured up policy diktat . If government deficit spending, low interest rates and policies to supply unlimited amounts of cash to the financial system were universal economic cures, then Japan’s economic problems would have been solved many years ago. The lack of easy policy options means that the world faces an unknown period of low, below-trend growth.
The simultaneous end of financially engineered growth, environmental issues and the scarcity of essential resources threatens the end of an unprecedented period of growth and expansion. But it was an unsustainable world of Ponzi-like prosperity where the wealth was based on either borrowing from or pushing problems into the future.
Arthur Miller wrote that “an era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted”. The central illusion of the Age of Capital — unbounded economic growth — may be at that point.
Satyajit Das is a former banker and author of “Traders Guns & Money” and “Extreme Money.”

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