Wednesday 30 January 2013

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And that’s it everyone. Thanks for following along. Check back for hands on with the new Z10.
What was the other phone you broke up with BlackBerry for?
Keyes: Not necessary to disclose which phone that I used. (bad breakup?)
What is your top advice for small business owners?
Keyes: What an incredible platform mobile devices are. Thinking about how much we use that on the road. The power to actively immediately do it. The platform for the mobile device is so limitless. We’re able to be active and fast.
(So get a smartphone?)
How long is the position for?
Keyes: For as long as we are creative together and that will be a long time
Question for Keyes: What exactly will you be doing
This is an exciting project for me. a true synchronicity between the design and me. This phone is created for me. I feel like we are in sync. I will continue to enhance and evolve the creative and entertainment and female side of the company. There’s need to be that attention there.
I definitely hope to excel, advance and explore the creative space.
Alicia Keyes is onstage.
How does BlackBerry plan to go after first time Smartphone users?
Boulben: Extensive market research for existing smartphone users. the segment of hyper connected are one third of the total market. Half the people that have registered for the Z10 are not current BlackBerry users.
What is your refresh cycle?
Heins: We are working on a roadmap. We have to make sure we have the right segmentation. Have a team working on addresses individual markets.
They are currently looking at the market before deciding on update cycle.
Battery life and mini usb?
Heins: It will be mini USB. Battery life z10 gets through the day. The conscious design design to have a removable backdoor to swap out batteries.
How will you assure security to corporate clients?
Boulben: The work mode in Balance will be secure end-to-end and will refer to BlackBerry service then. We will have different tiers of services to corporations.
For designing apps, how do you create an unified experience on two different size screens?
Heins: We were told by developers to be very better be disciplined. These are the two sizes and will continue use those sizes for a while.
We will stick to those two resolutions on the Z10 and Q10
How does BlackBerry feel it will make in the US smartphone market?
Boulben: That situation is the same every where in the world. At launch in the US we will have 100K apps available.
Hoping to win the hearts and minds of users.
Carrier detail information will be shared with us during smaller press events and via press releases.
BlackBerry 10 for playbook?
Heins: We’re working on BlackBerry 10 for all PlayBooks that are out there. Plan to update all PlayBooks to BlackBerry 10.
The way I look at tablet business right now. That segment is rather difficult  We are looking for specific services on top of the tablet. Financial, health care. Want to have a value proposition.
Does everything work on both phones?
Heins: Everything that works on Q10 works on Z10.
When will the Q10 be available in US?
Heins: April time frame. Z10 was the highest priority
Integrated photo and backup solution?
Heins: we have storage solutions as an open platform. It’s an open API. Customers choose their solution. like Drop Box
US availability: When in March?
Heins: There is a expected availability in mid march because the testing process by carriers is a lengthy one.
Boulben: started already in the enterprise sector. Now entering BlackBerry 10 ready program.
On consumer side, carriers are pushing their pre-registration side. The super bowl ad will show consumers that BlackBerry is back
Thorstein Heins and Frank Boulben are on stage
No questions on rumors and speculation. Oh but we’ll ask.
That’s it for the event. Coming up next, the Q and A with Heins. Come for the event, stay for the Q & A.
Heins is asking if we’re excited about what we’ve seen. Yeah, sure. He wants everyone in the room to be amongst our first users.
I’m getting a review unit. Get ready for a real hands on. With a real device. For reals!
Hmm, Heins is saying thank you. Pretty low on new news.
For Keyes’ Keep Moving Project, she will create films from all the cities she visits during her tour.
Neil Gaiman and Robert Rodriguez used the BlackBerry 10 platform. They made a video. Talks about how creatives are using the platform to create.
The Keep Moving Project
Keyes on working at BlackBerry “I want to further enhance the concept of having your work phone and play phone together in one life”
I wonder if she’ll take part in the 401K benefit.
Heins and Keyes both believe the laptop is becoming extinct.
Heins and singer Alicia Keys.
Alicia was a long-time user. Then they lost her
“I was in a long-term relationship with BlackBerry then I noticed sexier phones at the gym. I broke up for something that had more bling. Then you called and told you were working out, got new features and were faster. And now were dating again exclusively.”
Alicia Keyes dates phones.
New Global Creative Director, Alicia Keyes.
Celebrity time
Availability: Currently working for end of February testing with 110 carriers
In US: AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-mobile announcing availability today with the Z10 available in march.
Canada: February 5
United Emirates: February 5
Uk: Available tomorrow
Pricing Varying by carrier. Canada $150 with 3-year contract.
What would a smartphone be without Angry Birds?
Video show casing the apps that will available in BlackBerry world.
That was quick. No demos from developers. Would have rather seen that then a bunch of videos of people that love BlackBerry.
BlackBerry World is your one stop show for apps, music and videos.
“We focused on the end-to-end experience.”
Of course, as we reported yesterday, EA was part of that list.
Box, WSJ, Rdio, Soundhound…
He’s naming a ton of apps.
So far, no Instagram.
Marty Mallick, BlackBerry’s senior director of strategic business development. It’s his job to get developers to make apps for BlackBerry 10.
46 top applications committed to BlackBerry 10.
Where’s Perry is on BlackBerry 10. Thank god.
Verizon Wireless just announced that it’ll sell the RIM…er…BlackBerry Z10 for $200 on contract, in both black and white. The white colorway will be exclusive to Verizon. The carrier hasn’t yet said when the Z10 will go on sale.
BlackBerry Sr. Director, Strategic Business Development Marty Mallick is here to talk apps. The most important aspect of the new operating system. No apps, no one will buy the phone.
“We have over 70k Applications today”
We have Skype, Kindle, SAP and Angry Birds committed to BlackBerry 10
It’s a new way to work with our partners. We wil launch with an amazing collection of music, movies and TV shows. With eight majors studios.
We’re back to just Heins on stage.
“This is the new BlackBerry”
Demoing Storymaker. Choose media, add music. Add titles. The app adds transitions and effects that you can change on the fly.
Lots of swipes.
Using Camera, he adjusted the photo by checking images captured a few mili-seconds before and after the shutter is pressed.
They are adding Instagram-style filters to the Camera app. It’s called picture editor.
Camera demo with the white Z10. They keep saying “zed” Teehee
“It’s a source source and destination for everything you have”
BlackBerry Remember. You can share items to Remember. Sies, images, voicemails. It’s like Pinterest for your BlackBerry.
Now he’s sharing pictures via the screenshare feature of BBM.
BBM now has a prompt for a video call in the upper top right corner.
They’re making the very first BBM for BlackBerry 10 video call. Starting screenshare. Slight lag, but it looks good.
The File Manager shows you available storage on both sides of Balance. Pretty impressive for folks trapped using IT devices that want to use one device without their personal stuff appearing to IT department.
Security time. It’s RIM err BlackBerry’s bread and butter. With Balance, users can have basically two devices. A personal and a business device. Both are secure and encrypted.
Predictive text is the major feature touted in BlackBerry 10’s new on-screen keyboard.
Demo of typing with one thumb and using the up gesture to push predicted text. Swipe down to access the number pad. Multi-language support is automatic. Starting typing in French and it gives you French words without switching anything.  As see before, the BlackBerry 10 keyboard is impressive.
Heins, “Don’t search anymore, the information is brought to you.”
When you have a meeting, BlackBerry 10 pulls down photos and information from social media sites. With Update, OS also pulls in information from the web. With Activity, you can see a timeline of your interactions with a meeting goes.
Swipe down and see the calendar. all with one hand.
Hop in and out of the HUB with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn without leaving the HUB. Tap and hold on a message and flag, reply etc.
Bhardwaj is demoing playing a video while using Peek to see all of his messages. The video continues to play without the video or OS stuttering.
Vivek Bhardwaj, head of BlackBerry’s software portfolio, on stage with Heins.
Vivek Bhardwaj is on stage to demo the new phones.
Heins and the Z10.
Heins says both phones are the absolutely best typing mobile experience.
The Q10 is the first BlackBerry 10 with a physical keyboard. Built for all the people that told them they have to have a physical keyboard experience.
The Z10 has a 4.2” screen with a textured back.
WE present the BlackBerry Z10 and the BlackBerry Q10.
Heins says that this moment belongs to the RIM err, BlackBerry employees.
“It all starts today with our renaming and the launch of BlackBerry 10.”
From this point forward, RIM becomes BlackBerry.
New company name.
“From today on, we are BlackBerry everywhere in the world.”
Heins thanks Mike Lazaridis.
Just make sure he stays away from the current company.
“Today you will see the connection between RIM and QNX.”
Thorsten Heins is asking for a few more minutes of our time before unveiling BlackBerry 10. He’s thanking employees. 
“BlackBerry 10 builds on and betters on 20 years on leadership”
Thorsten Heins, CEO of RIM.
“We will be a leader in connecting you to the Internet of things.”
Yup. It’s cut. That happened.
“BlackBerry 10 is built for people who need balance and need the simplicity of everything in one place.”
The cutting of CrackBerry Ken’s hair.
RIM CEO Thorsten Heins takes the stage.
“We have been on a journey of transformation”
It’s been a year since he was handed the reins of RIM.
CrackBerry Ken promised bot to cut his hair until BlackBerry 10 launched. So yeah he got his hair cut.
Another video of BlackBerry fans. We get it, people still love BlackBerry.
VP of developer relations Alec Saunders is being interviewed on video that’s being presented on the stage.
All of this is for the live stream.
Video of people LOVING BlackBerry 10.
Get on with it…
We’re checking in on audiences form around the globe like Dunder Mifflin Infinity
It’s The Cults again. Someone should have made this playlist longer than 30minutes.
Heads will roll in Canada.
Uh, how can we rate something we haven’t had any real time with?
RIM wants us to tell everyone we’re here. Duh, that’s my job.
The same loud voice just told us to disable personal Wi-Fi hotspots. Remember when Steve Jobs made us all do that in the middle of a keynote? Good times.
The voice also told us to sit down. We’re going to start any minute now. For reals this time.
A very loud voice just told us to take our seats and that the BlackBerry Experience would begin shortly. If they don’t start by playing the national anthem on guitar, I will be disappointed.
The big screen has switched from logo, logo, logo, to information about features.
They’re cleaning and prepping the demo units onstage. The rest of us are jamming to Toro Y Moi.
The masses, they await the new.
Enjoying Fitz and the Tantrums while we wait for the event to start. So far, RIM seems to have pillaged my playlist for today’s music.
The stage is set.
Power and wired internet connections. Pretty fancy RIM. Hey Apple, take note.
And they’re letting us in. Nice size crowd.
In a weird twist of fate, no BlackBerry jam.
The press holding area. We have breakfast and a colorful hall that ends with a giant “10.” The Cults are playing.
Check in time. The video is playing super-quick scenes. Probably to indicate that when you use a BlackBerry 10 you’re doing so much in so little time. Or it just looks cool.
There it is. Off in the distance. RIM’s future.

RIM CEO Thorsten Heins will launch BlackBerry 10 in New York. Photo: Roberto Baldwin/Wired
This is it. The BlackBerry Experience event in New York will be RIM’s saving grace or its swan song. Everything is riding on the BlackBerry 10 operating system and the Z10 smartphone. And no matter how it goes, Wired will be there live beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern (7 a.m. Pacific).
Everything we’ve seen and heard suggests the OS is amazing and the phone is something people will actually want to buy, so it all comes down to the apps. They’ve gotta be awesome, and RIM knows it. That’s why they’ve been courting developers for month and have 70,000 apps available at launch.
After reorganizing the company and a few false starts, RIM will introduce the final version of its BlackBerry 10 operating system and at least one BlackBerry 10 smartphone, which is expected to become available in February. This is RIM’s Hail Mary pass. We’ll be there to see it thrown. Will consumers be there to catch it?
Roberto Baldwin
Roberto is a Wired Staff Writer for Gadget Lab covering augmented reality, home technology, and all the gadgets that fit in your backpack. Got a tip? Send him an email at: roberto_baldwin [at]
Read more by Roberto Baldwin
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